Fire Door Assessments and Registers

Building owners are legally obligated to adhere to the requirement outlined in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which covers the building’s fire safety provisions. Regular inspections of fire doors are required to keep the standard of fire safety in buildings. Fire Door Assessments and Registers are essential tools for ensuring the safety of your building’s occupants in the event of a fire, and form part of the ‘Golden Thread’ of information legally required to be held by building owners.

Fire doors are an integral part of fire safety and protection measures for any building, as they are present to contain fires to a particular area, giving people time to move or escape, and avoid smoke and fire from the affected risk area.

However, fire doors are often used frequently as they are in functional buildings, making them susceptible to wear and tear, and damage, which in turn compromises the quality of fire protection they provide. Therefore inspections, surveys, and remediation are important to ensure the buildings are compliant with fire safety regulations and the fire doors are effective as they need to be.

Our professional team perform thorough assessments of all fire doors in your building, in line with third party accredited criterion (BMTrada), identifying any issues, defects, or non-compliance with regulatory standards. We then provide a detailed register of all fire doors on site, including their exact location, type, rating, and history of inspections and maintenance. 

Having a comprehensive fire door register is essential for building owners and managers, as it helps to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements and can help to reduce the risk of injury or damage in the event of a fire. 

Lounge Access - double Fire Door